High school football player celebrates with team after learning he’s cancer free

Gavin Picard, a high school football player from Pennsylvania, shared a moment of celebration with his teammates when he learned he is cancer free. NBC News’ José Díaz-Balart shares the details on the joyful moment and other stories in this week’s good news wrap-up.

#nbcnews #gavinpicard #teammate #celebration #stories #josediazbalart #videos #news #breakingnews #cancerfree
High school football player celebrates with team after learning he’s cancer free Gavin Picard, a high school football player from Pennsylvania, shared a moment of celebration with his teammates when he learned he is cancer free. NBC News’ José Díaz-Balart shares the details on the joyful moment and other stories in this week’s good news wrap-up. #nbcnews #gavinpicard #teammate #celebration #stories #josediazbalart #videos #news #breakingnews #cancerfree
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