merica's Funniest Home Videos (Salute To Boneheads) | OrangeCabinet
For those unfamiliar with the show, here's a quick synopsis.
Each episode is made up of a collection of funny video clips that are submitted by the show's American audience.
The clips' subject matter varies, but the most common topics include babies doing cute or disgusting baby things, painful or amazing feats at sporting events, wedding disasters and, of course, getting hit in the groin.
If you enjoy the show, you'll enjoy this collection.
#afv #americafunniestvideos #funny #accidents #bloopers #oops #homevideos #hilarious
For those unfamiliar with the show, here's a quick synopsis.
Each episode is made up of a collection of funny video clips that are submitted by the show's American audience.
The clips' subject matter varies, but the most common topics include babies doing cute or disgusting baby things, painful or amazing feats at sporting events, wedding disasters and, of course, getting hit in the groin.
If you enjoy the show, you'll enjoy this collection.
#afv #americafunniestvideos #funny #accidents #bloopers #oops #homevideos #hilarious
merica's Funniest Home Videos (Salute To Boneheads) | OrangeCabinet
For those unfamiliar with the show, here's a quick synopsis.
Each episode is made up of a collection of funny video clips that are submitted by the show's American audience.
The clips' subject matter varies, but the most common topics include babies doing cute or disgusting baby things, painful or amazing feats at sporting events, wedding disasters and, of course, getting hit in the groin.
If you enjoy the show, you'll enjoy this collection.
#afv #americafunniestvideos #funny #accidents #bloopers #oops #homevideos #hilarious