Scaling social impact in Brazil with Vivenda – IKEA Social Entrepreneurship
IKEA Social Entrepreneurship has teamed up with Ashoka to co-create Dela, a global programme to find, strengthen, and scale the work of over 45 social entrepreneurs around the world. Fernando Assad from Vivenda, works to increase access to affordable and safe housing in Brazil. Hear more about his journey over the past four years and how the programme supported them to scale their impact.
#ikea #socialentrepreneurs #dela #globalprogramme #brazil #socialimpact
Read more IKEA Social Entrepreneurship has teamed up with Ashoka to co-create Dela, a global programme to find, strengthen, and scale the work of over 45 social entrepreneurs around the world. Fernando Assad from Vivenda, works to increase access to affordable and safe housing in Brazil. Hear more about his journey over the past four years and how the programme supported them to scale their impact.
#ikea #socialentrepreneurs #dela #globalprogramme #brazil #socialimpact
Scaling social impact in Brazil with Vivenda – IKEA Social Entrepreneurship
IKEA Social Entrepreneurship has teamed up with Ashoka to co-create Dela, a global programme to find, strengthen, and scale the work of over 45 social entrepreneurs around the world. Fernando Assad from Vivenda, works to increase access to affordable and safe housing in Brazil. Hear more about his journey over the past four years and how the programme supported them to scale their impact.
#ikea #socialentrepreneurs #dela #globalprogramme #brazil #socialimpact