THA BILLBORD Cows Animated Short | A Chick fil A Original Story
When a Circus Burger billboard appears right by their favorite meadow, it’s all hooves on deck. See the Cows as you never have before in their first animated adventure, "Tha Billbord."
#chickfila #thabillbord #orginalstory #circusburger #meadows #cows #animated #adventure #food #hungry #sandwich
When a Circus Burger billboard appears right by their favorite meadow, it’s all hooves on deck. See the Cows as you never have before in their first animated adventure, "Tha Billbord."
#chickfila #thabillbord #orginalstory #circusburger #meadows #cows #animated #adventure #food #hungry #sandwich
THA BILLBORD Cows Animated Short | A Chick fil A Original Story
When a Circus Burger billboard appears right by their favorite meadow, it’s all hooves on deck. See the Cows as you never have before in their first animated adventure, "Tha Billbord."
#chickfila #thabillbord #orginalstory #circusburger #meadows #cows #animated #adventure #food #hungry #sandwich