See largest group of killer whales yet off California coast
In a third unusual killer whale sighting in recent weeks, multiple orca families got together in Monterey Bay and breached, wrestled, tail slapped for hours in what a marine biologist said was a huge celebration.
#sanfranciscochronicles #killerwhales #californiacoast #unusual #montereybay #marinebiologist #celebration #whalesighting #orca #news #breakingnews
In a third unusual killer whale sighting in recent weeks, multiple orca families got together in Monterey Bay and breached, wrestled, tail slapped for hours in what a marine biologist said was a huge celebration.
#sanfranciscochronicles #killerwhales #californiacoast #unusual #montereybay #marinebiologist #celebration #whalesighting #orca #news #breakingnews
See largest group of killer whales yet off California coast
In a third unusual killer whale sighting in recent weeks, multiple orca families got together in Monterey Bay and breached, wrestled, tail slapped for hours in what a marine biologist said was a huge celebration.
#sanfranciscochronicles #killerwhales #californiacoast #unusual #montereybay #marinebiologist #celebration #whalesighting #orca #news #breakingnews